About Us
The South Wagga Rotary Charity Golf Day is a fun day of golf, friendship, good food, a few drinks and some great prizes, all in the name of raising much-needed funds and support for some of our much loved local charities. Hit a hole in one on the 18th to win a brand-new Lexus car or hit a hole in one on the 9th hole to win $5,000 in white goods. There will also be a fabulous auction for everyone to participate in.
The Club will give one hundred per cent of the Annual Charity Golf Day proceeds directly to support our beneficiaries and community groups. Over the previous 24 months, we have distributed $150,000 in community support. In total, since the inception of the golf day, we have raised some $550k to put back into our community. Rotary has consistently been voted in the top level of reputable charities in the world.
The new prospectus has been uploaded to the website with no increase in sponsorship costings and a greater definition of the differences in the sponsorship categories.
Important Information
You and your business have been continuing sponsors of our Annual Charity Golf Day and the 2025 day will be our 27th such event. The 2024 Golf Day raised $45.4K, all of which was then distributed to local charities where 100% of those funds were directed at specific on-the-ground outcomes. Our total raisings since the inception of the golf day is approx. $550K, all of which has gone on-the-ground in our community.
In 2022 we developed a new website to facilitate sponsorship processes, to keep sponsors and teams informed, to facilitate team registration and to improve both our accounting and project management. In 2023 and 2024 our website worked well and minimum changes have been made for 2025.
The date of the 2025 Charity Golf day will be Friday April 4th, 2025.
Potential prizes for the Day include:
• A new Lexus sedan
• $5.0K in white goods
• Event winners and novelty prizes
Details of the game and the day is provided in the following inclusive pages. Of particular note will be details of our proposed efforts to recognise your support through the media.
We thank you for your ongoing support on what is always a fun day.
Bill Booth (Convenor)
Our Committee
Our committee’s key endeavours are to
Continually raise the profile and profitability of the Charity Golf Day itself
Drive wider public recognition of the generosity of our sponsors
Optimise ultimate support of charitable organisations in our local and close regional communities
Encourage collaboration with benefitting charities and kindred service clubs
See as close to 100% of funds raised are applied to worthy causes in our community

Vicki Woodhouse - The Foundation director of South Wagga Rotary Club, a Wagga business woman, and a golf day committee member for 4 years.
Jenny Walsh - The Administration director of South Wagga Rotary, a retired Wagga business woman and a golf day committee member for 4 years.

Brian Roy - Past president South Wagga Rotary, golf committee member for many years, retired domestic and commercial joiner and TAFE instructor, a strong supporter of many community organisations.

Bob Maslin - Public Relations director of South Wagga Rotary, retired IT specialist and business manager. Golf day committee member, a strong supporter of many community organisations and a can-do person.
Bill Roche - Past president and membership director of South Wagga Rotary, heavily involved in a wide range of community organisations. A member of the golf day committee for many years.

Bill Booth - Social director of South Wagga Rotary, golfer, retired agribusiness consultant, a member of the Charity Golf Day committee for 6 years and committee convenor for the past 3 years.